Self-Service (Student Planning) Guide

Please use the information on this page to navigate Self-Service. If you are unable to resolve any Self-Service issues and need assistance, please email us at

Self-Service Basics

Below are some helpful links for using Self-Service. 

Video Tutorials 
Registration and more
Searching for Classes

Documents for print/download
Self-Service Guide 




Personal Pronouns

Self-Service (Student Planning) now includes the option for selecting your preferred personal pronouns. These pronouns will appear on faculty rosters, the advising section of Self-Service, and under advisee details. To select your preferred personal pronoun, log into Self-Service, click your name/avatar from the top right of the screen.Personal Pronouns 1.jpg

Select user profile from the drop-down list.

Personal Pronouns 2.jpg

Select the pencil icon next to personal identity preferences.

Personal Pronouns 3.jpg

From here, you can select your preferred personal pronoun under identity details. Be sure to hit save for the changes to take effect.   

Personal Pronouns 4.png



Application for Graduation

If you will be participating in the Commencement ceremonies, you must complete and submit an Application for Graduation. To complete the application, log into Self-Service (Student Planning) and select Graduation Overview

Graduation Application 1.jpg

From here, select Application Status and Apply

Graduation Application 2.jpg

Complete all field in the application. 

Graduation Application 3.jpg

Upon completion, you will be sent a confirmation email. 

Graduation Application 4.jpg

For any additional assistance or questions, please contact the Registrar's Office at 

Text Messaging Opt-in

The University of Redlands has implemented a new texting policy. The Registrar’s Office, Student Financial Services, and Student Conduct may reach out to you via text messaging. Students must opt-in to receive messages from other departments. To do so, log into Self-Service, navigate to the Daily Work menu, and then to the Communication Preferences page. 

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The Communication Preferences page will direct you to the secure, University of Redlands login page. 

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Once logged in, you may choose to opt-in to receiving text messages from other departments. To save your opt-in preferences, please click the Update Preferences button. 

Text Messaging 3.jpg

Confirmation of opt-in will show when this is complete. 

Text Messaging 4.jpg


Faculty Consent Warning

If you've received a Faculty Consent Warning in Self-Service, faculty must grant you (the student) permission to add the course. Please contact the listed faculty for permission to add online. 

Faculty Consent Warning.png

Add Authorization - CAS Only

Beginning the first day of the term and continuing until the designated add deadline, you will need add authorization to add courses in Self Service. Add authorization is granted by faculty and you must contact them directly. Once authorization is granted, please log out of MyRedlands/Self Service, log back in, and register for the course. You must register yourself for the course. Faculty add authorization does not mean they have registered you for the course. Your Self Service will look like this when authorization has been given: 

Unofficial Transcript(s)

Current students only - to locate your unofficial transcript(s) after logging into Self-Service, navigate the left pane to the Academics sections, and then to the Student Planning section. At the bottom of the Student Planning section, you will see the tab indicating Unofficial Transcript(s). You can access your unofficial transcripts from this screen. If you would like to order official transcripts, please visit the National Student Clearinghouse's secure website. Unofficial Transcripts.png

Johnston Online Course Contracts

To access the Johnston Online Course Contracts once logged into Self-Service (Student Planning), navigate to daily work, click on the submit a course contract tab, and follow the instructions below.



Change of Address and Other Contact Information

Students may change or update their contact information including telephone number, preferred email, and address on Self-Service (Student Planning) at any time. 

After logging in, navigate to the icon at the top right. Your name and picture will be listed here. 

Click to show the drop-down menu and select User Profile

Your current address will be listed here. To request an address change, click on the Add New Address button.

Enter your new address and click the Add Address button at the bottom right. 


The new address you've entered will be shown below your current address. Please allow 2-5 business days for the address change to take effect. 

If you have any questions regarding address changes, please send us an email at 

Enrollment Verification

Current students may request an enrollment verification through Self-Service at any time. Once logged in, navigate to the Enrollment Verifications tab. 

Once on the Enrollment Verification Requests page, click on the Add New Request button. 

Fill out the form with all appropriate information and click the Submit button. 

Once complete, your Enrollment Verification will show as pending. Please allow 2-5 business days for processing. For questions, please contact us at